Testimonial from Nurse Practitioner in Bay Area County Hospital
I have been a nurse practitioner in clinical practice in California for over 30 years. Like you, and most other responsible clinicians, I have always taken my professional responsibilities very seriously. That I was licensed for clinical practice by my professional board and the DEA represented what I have always considered a sacred trust. Never in my wildest imagination would I have that thought that circumstances in my personal life would lead me to violate that trust.
When diagnosed with a serious illness I became dependent on the pain medication prescribed to control my symptoms. As that dependency spiraled out of control I found myself abusing my professional privileges in response to it. When the DEA held up my license renewal I was certain it was related to the abuse of those privileges.
With the help of my medical team I received the treatment I needed for my dependency. And when that was completed I found my way to the Pacific West Law Group and Sharon Kime.
Reluctant at first to seek legal representation, I have been extremely happy that I did. To my legally naïve mind I thought that hiring an attorney meant that I was not taking responsibility for my professional missteps, something I definitely wanted to do. Ms. Kime, who has a long history in the medical as well as legal professions, assured me those two things were not mutually exclusive.
Because of her insiders knowledge of the medical, nursing and related health fields Ms. Kime and her partners prepared my representation in a way that sought to contextualize my current situation with my a long career of service to the community. Preparing me for what might be ahead legally and professionally, I felt more confident at every turn that I could weather this storm whatever the outcome.
I was lucky; my situation had an excellent outcome without any protracted legal ramifications. But even so, Pacific West and Ms. Kime didn't stop there. Before they released me they reviewed all the pertinent practice laws with me and made sure that all my practice documents and credentials were up to date to the letter of the law.
If you are ever in a situation like mine, rise to the occasion and take responsibility for your actions. But get the best, most qualified legal representation you can find, Sharon Kime and her associates at Pacific West Law Group."